About us

About Us

What Distinguishes Us?

Our macro-economic foundation

We promote the design and implementation of sound macro-financial and fiscal policy and institutional frameworks which protect economic stability, encourage enhanced efficiency and equity in public financial management systems, and create the type of stable macroeconomic environment required to facilitate sustainable, poverty-reducing growth in emerging market countries.

We lift livelihoods

We lift livelihoods by identifying creative solutions for generating more employment, productivity, and lucrative market linkages for small business and producer—even in unstable or isolated environments.

Our ethos of quality

Our ethos of quality believes quality builds trust, and enduring results and relationships. So quality is at the center of what we do and the support we bring in the field, whether it’s working with small-scale farmers, medium-sized enterprises, or high-level central bankers.

Our adaptability and nimble approaches

Our adaptability and nimble approaches, backed by strong experts and networks on the ground, we tailor our responses to local program needs and have the ability to adjust quickly to the realities of unstable environments.

We focus on creating jobs for women and youths

We focus on creating jobs for women and youths to counter the destabilizing effects of widespread joblessness. We work across policy and practice to generate job growth and match job training to the skills employers say they need.

Our proven expertise in transforming theory to tangible outcomes

From concept, through best practice analysis and pilot projects to full-fledged programs, we shine at fine-tuning program development that maximizes investments and results.

Our enduring legacies

Our enduring legacies produce quick-hitting results, and at the same time, establish partners and capacity building on the ground to ensure the benefits of our support last well beyond the lives of our projects.

What is in our name?

Pragma: Our name comes from the Greek Πράγμα, meaning - A thing done, a deed.

Pragmatic: Defines our approach—Assessing the truth of a theory in terms of its success in practical application and solving problems in a way that suits conditions that really exist now.

To meet on-the-ground challenges, we base our customized services and solutions on tested approaches that translate best practices into real world application.

Through this pragmatic approach, we foster ways to translate vision into practice for building economic prosperity, stability, and inclusion—especially in fragile and difficult environments.

Our Logo

The square shape of our logo reflects the base and strength of 40-plus years of experience in the field.

Its flowing lines symbolize our forward-looking dynamism for contending with the problems of today to best prepare people and systems for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Our Clients

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